Vetview Pro

Premium image viewer specialized for animal X-ray

Workflow optimized for animal X-ray imaging

Fast and accurate diagnosis through premium image processing

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Premium Vet Console Software

Premium solution only for animal X-ray image acquisition and processing

Premium image quality for accurate diagnosis such as microfractures in animals

Image processing technology specialized for animals is applied.

Software for acquiring and managing images for diagnosis

Order sending to imaging equipment and image reception

Provides various View Layout, Image Control, Annotation functions.

Clinical case image management and comparison function

Duplicates the View screen to the parents monitor to explain to the parents easily.

Image viewer considering user convenience

Easy and intuitive GUI

Workflow optimized for animal X-ray imaging

Compliance with DICOM standard and excellent image processing

Provides various tools necessary for image diagnosis such as image correction, measurement, and annotation.

Multi Language

Provides multi-language version (18 languages supported).
is a premium imaging solution specialized for the acquisition and processing of X-ray images for animals.
Experience the web version
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